Sunday, July 20, 2008


Author's Note: Hello all! This is my very first time writing, and this story will probably be re-written more than once. I am currently in the process of roughing out the idea for the story, so if you have any comments, they could really be helpful. Thanks once again for reading this, and I hope you enjoy the story. I am very sorry to anyone who reads this. I am in the middle of starting back to school so I'm going to be very busy for a little while. Also, after careful consideration, I have decided to rewrite the first chapter. I should probably have everything up and running by Christmas, as that will give me enough time to fix my life. I once again apologize to anybody who reads this, because it was written without a script. Everything should be fixed soon, so thanks for your patience.

The cargo ship Colliflower was behind schedule, and it's captain was not happy. There were various reasons as to why Captain Fairbanks could be unhappy, starting with the fact that she hated the name Fairbanks, and ending with the fact that her men were late. You see, in the line of buisness that the good captain was currently employing herself in, one doesn't take risks, Especially when one finds oneself stealing experimental weaponry from the most powerful government in the universe. The good Captain had been willing to overcome that risk with the obscenely large amount of money offered to her and her crew if they could succesfuly steal the experimental weapon that was being developed and transport it to there employer in one piece, and without being found out. If they aren't back in three minutes, thought the Captain, then I'm leaving.
Just as the Captain thought this, she saw her men hurrying back through the loading bay, carrying not one but two containers. Her men hurried up the loading ramp into the ship, and stowed there cargo. "It's about bloody time you boys got back. What took you so long?" Asked the Captain. The leader of the team, a saurian named Pek, said, " It wouldn't have taken so long had we had known what we were sent to aquire, Captain." Pek looked over towards the containers. "We were lucky to even get those two. All the other weapons were apparently scrapped, and those two were schedueled for the incinerator."
" Make sure that there secure, then get everyone ready. We are leaving this scrap heap before the attack force arrives, and I want to be far away from here before that happens." With that, the captain headed for the bridge to begin the launch preparations, while Pek stayed behind in the cargo bay to make sure that the weapons were secure. After getting everyone inside and closing the loading doors, Pek heard a noise from one of the containers. Curious, the saurian went to investigate, seeing as the containers were sealed when he found them, and he knew that weapons didn't make noise on there own.
Pek looked over the containers, searching for the source of the noise, when he heard it again. It was a knock coming from the container, and it repeated three times before stopping. When no noise was forthcoming, the knock was repeated louder, and for longer. Pek watched on with the curiosity and patience that his species was famous for, waiting to see what happened. After the knocking became loud enogh to draw attention from some of the other nearby crew members, it was repeated, much more faintly from the second container. At these knocks, the louder knocking stopped, then started again much more quietly. The knocking went back and forth for some time, and most of the watchers grew disintrested and went back to work, all except Pek, who waited to see if anything would be forthcoming from these strange knocks. After a little while, the knocking from the second container stopped completely, causing the first container to start shaking back and forth with the furiousness of it's knocking, eventually causing it to fall on it's side. When it tipped over, dents started to appear in the surface of the metal, which caused some concern to Pek, as the containers were made of a special super dense alloy that was supposed to be able to withstand ten thousand pounds of pressure. Just as the container looked like it was going to break, there was a small, almost hesitant knock from the second container, as if the occupant were afraid of interrupting the being in the first container. At the knock, all sound ceased from the first container, and slowly, almost as hesitantly, the being in the first container knocked back.
After those two knocks, there was no more noise from either container, and Pek was disappointed. While curious, Pek knew that if he were to open the cargo without adequate cause, he could forfeit his share of the money, as well as his life. He knew there was no way he could convince the captain that he was justified in opening the first container, seeing all the damage that the creature inside could cause if unleashed, but he might be able to convince her that he was justified in opening the second container if he thought that the occupant of the second container was injured. With that reasoning in his mind, Pek opened the second container to see what was inside.
In all his travels as a mercenery, Pek had seen, and killed, many interesting life forms. When he opened the case, he thought that he would see some kind of horribly mutated beast, barely fit to survive, but instead he saw a naked Human female. A rather tiny female, to be sure, but Pek was sure that it was a human. The only thing that convinced him otherwise was the smell, which wasn't like any he had smelled before, and the eyes, which were all black, with not a drop of color anywhere to be seen. While Pek was staring at the girl, the girl was staring back. She had seen creatures like him before, but they had always been on the other side of the glass, and they were always staring at her.
The girl took one look at the saurian, and she screamed. When a normal girl screams, it reaches heights that can hurt badly if sustained. Some trained singers, who have spent there lives screaming for money, can scream loud and high pitched enough to shatter glass and hurt beings with extra-sensitive ears. When the girl screamed, it created a shockwave of pressure that sent Pek, as well as the few crewmen closest to him, flying backwards. Those who were far enogh away not to be affected by the shockwave, and who had better senses of hearing, were knocked unconcious from the sound, and had there eardrums burst. The crewmen in the area who were unaffected, grabbed the injured and ran for it, leaving behind only Pek, with the girl quietly trying to get out of her container.
The girl, who had only been trying to scare the saurian away, stared dumbfounded at the amount of damage she had caused. She knew, instinctually, that the crewmembers who had run off would come back, and she needed to get the other one out of the container before they returned. Hopping out of the container, she started heading for the other container, but stopped when she saw the saurian on the deck starting to move. She felt a twinge of concience for what she had done and went to help him. He was moaning in pain and muttering something that she couldn't understand, but she still picked him up and carried him with her over to the second container.
She set the saurian down next to the container, and checked to make sure that he was all right. Because he was right next to her when she screamed, he was hit with a pressure wave that should have knocked the saurian into a coma, but apparently had only temporarily knocked out his sense of hearing and balance. After making sure that the saurian was alright, the girl jumped at the hesitant knock she heard from the damaged container, and stared at it guiltily. How could she have forgotten the other? The girl gave a single affirmative knock on the container's side, then pulled at he lock. The other had badly damaged the lock when it had tried to escape but the girl forgave the other because it had done so to try and protect her. The girl pulled harder, then with a sickening screech the container lid flew off the container and into the deck wall.
The crewmember's who had run away from the girl with most of the wounded had finally regained there nerve, and there weapons, and had decided at that exact moment to try a counter attack, when out of nowhere a sickening screech is heard, followed by the unbelievably large dent in the wall next to the door, which causes most of the crewmen to pause, and they decide to wait for the Captain to arrive.
The girl, who had finally got the lid off the container, leaned down and pulled out the other. To the girls surprise, the other was also female, but was noticably bigger than the girl. The other was also different from the girl because she had longer, more pointed ears, as well as eyes that seemed to constantly change color. At this sight, the girls eyes changed color as well, incredibly happy to have finally met the other. The girl helped the other out, and then both of them, the girl and the other, looked around. At first they didn't understand what was happening, but with the sense of acceleration all around them they realized that somehow, they had escaped from the labs and were somehow being moved away from them.
The girl spoke,"Where...are we?" Perhaps forgotten by both, Pek had finally recovered his hearing in time to hear the girls question. "Your are on the cargo ship Colliflower, miss, which is currently making with all haste for the edge of the interdiction zone surrounding the station,"said a rather curious Pek. Both women jumped at his voice, and whirled around to stare at him. He had been sitting next to the container quietly, waiting for the girl to remember him, but when they asked a question, well, it's just that it's the polite thing to do when two extremely powerful beings shaped like little girls asked questions in a scared little voice.
The women both stared at him, as if realizing that he was there for the first time. Both of them were looking down and gawking at him, and well they should. The only saurians that they had seen had been behind glass windows, taping away at a keyboard, taking notes on them. Here was one who sat before them, utterly unprotected, and giving a good poke at being friendly to two strange beings who seemed human but where most definately not. The smaller one realized they were being rude and spoke quietly to the other one. The two confered quietly, then sat down in front of the sitting saurian. They stared at him some more, and he stared back. Finally, the girl's curiosity got the better of her and she asked the question that would start one of the greatest revolutions in galactic history. " Um, who are you?"

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